Thursday, January 27, 2011

The ArchAngel

Woman of strength,
Of mighty Grace-
Thou Art an ArchAngel-
Incomparable in every form,
You make us smile,
When nothing works.
O Woman;
I aspire-though it is impossible-
To get a part of Thy impeccable Grace,
Thy Patience;
Thy irresistible Beauty,
which Man fails to notice;
Thou Art truly-
An ArchAngel who heals,
a fellow Angel with Broken Wings.

Thy Love,Thy Care,Thy Warmth;
The way Thou guides us,
Thou Art so knowledgeable in every way,
Thy inborn nature perhaps;
Woman,You are perfect in all spheres;
Unbelievable Art Thou-
Affectionate,yet Thou never,
asks for our Affection.

O Woman-
Giver of unconditional Love;
ArchAngel of Mankind,
Noble Art Thou,with Thy Wisdom-
Endurer of Pain and Suffering,
Inflicted upon you,
by Humanity,
Thy forgiving Grace,
makes me wonder;
Thou Art an Angel-
send to Earth-to save a soul;
which would else,
have perished by now.